Monday 11 December 2017

Carvings -Whakairo

For the past 2 weeks we have been learning about carving. Here is our work.

Tuesday 21 November 2017


This week Jennae and I made a slide about hypothermia because we are going on camp soon in Arthur's Pass. We are going on a six hour hike.

Here is our work.
Hope you enjoy it.

Monday 13 November 2017

Quick Write Term 4

We have been working on ‘Quick Writes.’  This is where you are given something to write about (a writing prompt) and you only have 10 minutes to write as much as possible using this writing prompt. For our writing prompts we will use either images or short videos.

1) Fireworks


As I walked down the hill I saw colourful smoke bombs everywhere around the building, as I walked in, it blinded me. I was suffocating  as I walked through it. Everyone is in fear, I felt heavy like I was sinking under water. The smoke bombs were Karaka, (Orange) Whero (Red) and Tawa (Purple). The crowd was making lots of confused noise.

2) A Stormy Day

Image result for stormy day

As I Walked Home On A Stormy Day.

As I walked home from Whare kura(school) I felt the wind pushing against me like I would have to turn back.
I hear the thunder rumbling in the sky like Ranginui wants to come back down to earth again. I saw the lightning flashing into my eyes like it was blinding me.  

As I got home I felt the warmth from the heaters.

3) Spiderman


As I walk into New York City I see Kakano(colours) lots of kakano.
I smell the kai from across the road it smells like candy.
I hear the bus tires screeching on the road
I feel the breeze coming to me when the cars go past.
I taste the candy that I got and it tastes sweet.

4) Tomato pulp

The Great Tomato Festival
As I walk to the city centre of Spain I could hear everyone laughing. I could smell the smell of the fresh new tomatoes.
When I looked at everyone they had tomatoes all over their body. I could feel the tomato seeds underneath my feet. It was sticky and yucky.

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Quick Write Beekepper Work

Quick Write Number One - The Beekeeper


For the next two weeks we are going to work on ‘Quick Writes.’  This is where you are given something to write about (a writing prompt) and you only have 10mins to write as much as possible using this writing prompt.

For our writing prompts we will use either images or short videos.

The purpose of this is to practise writing fluently.

When we look at our writing prompt we will have about 10-15 mins to discuss it and brainstorm some ideas and vocabulary.   

Our learning goals are to:
-write a description, using powerful words and phrases
-include some Te Reo Māori
-carefully check that our sentences make sense and have correct punctuation and spelling.

When we are writing we need to think about…

  1. What do I want my reader to see?
2) What do I want my reader to hear?
3) What do I want my reader to smell?
-look closely at the picture or video
-think about the three key questions and the learning goals
-give yourself time to plan and write

Do your writing here

The Beekeeper

On a nice and summery day the sun was shining.
The flowers smelt like fresh new chocolate, but not as nice as honey.
When I walked up to the beehive the honey smell was so sweet.
The grass swished like the ocean on a summers day.
The beekeeper was collecting the sweet honey for his toast.
The bees were whizzing and humming like the wind.

Thursday 21 September 2017

Robot Rampage Work

This term Rm 7 worked on writing we made up stories about robots. I hope you enjoy reading my story. Here is my work.

Elections Work 2017

This term we have been learning about elections. My group made a poster about it.
Here is my work 

Tuesday 8 August 2017

My Dream Action Plan

We have been working on thinking about dreams we have that  we would like to achieve. We wrote up a dream plan. Here is my plan for my dream.

My Dream Action PlanImage result for dream images

This action plan is to help me achieve:

My Dream for myself:
To be a famous netball player with Jennae in the Silver Ferns team.

My Dream for New Zealand:
That the ocean is clean.

Why is this dream important to me?
Because the sea animals think that the rubbish is food and they eat it.

Who within my family, friends or community can I ask for support or advice to achieve my dream? I would ask My parents and Jennae.

In order to achieve my dream I will need the following skills and knowledge

  1. Participate and contribute
  2. Don’t let anyone stop my dream
  3. Resilience
  4. To practice a lot
  5. Learning new skills

When do I want to achieve my dream by?
By the time I am 25.

What are some things that might go wrong and how will I fix them?
I might get injured but I will fix them by waiting for them to heal.

The first five steps I need to take to turn my dream into reality are:

  1. Practice
  2. Eating Healthy
  3. Train
  4. Drink water
  5. Keep fit

Wednesday 26 July 2017

Maths place video

We are learning to.......

-recognize how many tens and hundreds are in numbers 
Here is my work  

Tuesday 25 July 2017

As part of our Matariki we re-read the legends of Maui. Then we retold a legend and created art work. Below is my work.

My Mihi 2017

Here is my Mihi video. 

Monday 24 July 2017

Classroom Kupu

We have been learning how to say the names for classroom objects in Te Reo Maori. Here is the slideshow I did to show my learning.

Thursday 6 July 2017

Science, Term 2, 2017

This term we have been doing science. We have been learning about the water cycle and states of matter. Here is some of my learning.                 

Persuasive writing- Why it is a good idea to have pets.

We have been doing persuasive writing about why we should have pets. Here is my persuasive writing about pets.

A Short Statement about the topic.
eg. ‘Rugby League Is A Great Sport’

It’s a good idea to have pets

Overview/ Statement of position
A brief statement of your view about the topic.  What you believe or want to argue.
In this Writing I will be telling you why it is a good idea to have pets.

Series of Arguments
Your points supporting your view about the topic.  Your arguments to support your statement and information to support these arguments.

-supporting detail, reasons, examples

Firstly, I think it is a good idea to have pets because they can help get moving when you have disabilities. Dogs can help people guide their way if they are deaf or blind or a guard dog.

Secondly, they can give you company when you are feeling down they can be your best friend you can cuddle with them.

Thirdly, They can give you food like chickens can give you eggs, cows can give you milk and you can get wool from sheep.

Finally, It is a good idea to have pets because they are  good for exercise. you can go for big walks with them

Concluding statement
Summing it up.  A summary of your arguments and your view on the topic.

In conclusion, I think it is a good idea to have pets because they keep people company.

Persuasive Writing-Why We Should Fix Our Field.

We have been having a go at writing a piece of persuasive writing. Here is my piece of writing about why we should fix our field.

A Short Rugby League Is A Great Sport’
statement about the topic.
eg. ‘
Please Fix Our Field

Overview/ Statement of position
A brief statement of your view about the topic.  What you believe or want to argue.
I truly Believe you should fix our field soon as possible. This is because we need the field to train for sports,  we need the field for special events, we have PE gear we can’t use. and our PE equipment keeps going over the fence.

Series of Arguments
Your points supporting your view about the topic.  Your arguments to support your statement and information to support these arguments.

-supporting detail, reasons, examples

Firstly,I strongly believe We need the field because we need to train for touch and Rippa Rugby, keep fit and hold events.

Secondly, mostly every year we have a gala and hangi but we might not have enough space to run all the events.

Thirdly, we have to much PE equipment so we need more space incase someone gets a injury.

Finally, our PE equipment keeps going over the fence and teaches are only allowed to get it and the all our equipment.

Concluding statement
Summing it up.  A summary of your arguments and your view on the topic.

In conclusion my supportive reasons are the gala, training for sport and we need the field because there are lots of people at our school and it is too crowded and lots of people are getting banged around.

Friday 30 June 2017

Te reo Māori Words for Clothing /Kākahu

In He kākano we have been learning to say the words For clothing/Kākahu in Te reo Māori . Watch my slide show  and video below so that you can learn too.

Traditional Māori Clothing/Kākahu

On Friday mornings I am in the He Kākano class which is a senior Te Reo Maori extension class. We are learning about Māori Language and culture. This term we have been learning about traditional Mori clothing and we had a go at creating or own garments. Here is our work Please leave a positive, helpful and thoughtful comment.


Thursday 6 April 2017

My Marine Mammal Information Report

We have been learning how to write a information report. Here is my report on a New Zealand Marine Mammal.

How To Look After Our Rocky Shore

We have been using our reading skills to learn about our rocky shore. Here is some work I did showing how we can look after our rocky shore.

Rocky Shore Animal Work

We have been using our reading skills across the curriculum to learn about the rocky shore. Below is some work I did about a rocky shore creature that I was interested in. 

Friday 17 March 2017

Treaty Of Waitangi

Here is our work about the Treaty of Waitangi. Please leave a kind, positive, thoughtful comment.

Tuesday 14 March 2017

My Sea Week Writing.

For sea week we wrote about why the ocean is important. Here is my work. Please leave a kind, positive and thoughtful comment. 

My Chance And Probability Work.

This term we have been learning about chance and probability in maths. Here is DLO (Digital learning object) about chance and probability. Please leave a kind, Positive and thoughtful comment.