Tuesday 8 August 2017

My Dream Action Plan

We have been working on thinking about dreams we have that  we would like to achieve. We wrote up a dream plan. Here is my plan for my dream.

My Dream Action PlanImage result for dream images

This action plan is to help me achieve:

My Dream for myself:
To be a famous netball player with Jennae in the Silver Ferns team.

My Dream for New Zealand:
That the ocean is clean.

Why is this dream important to me?
Because the sea animals think that the rubbish is food and they eat it.

Who within my family, friends or community can I ask for support or advice to achieve my dream? I would ask My parents and Jennae.

In order to achieve my dream I will need the following skills and knowledge

  1. Participate and contribute
  2. Don’t let anyone stop my dream
  3. Resilience
  4. To practice a lot
  5. Learning new skills

When do I want to achieve my dream by?
By the time I am 25.

What are some things that might go wrong and how will I fix them?
I might get injured but I will fix them by waiting for them to heal.

The first five steps I need to take to turn my dream into reality are:

  1. Practice
  2. Eating Healthy
  3. Train
  4. Drink water
  5. Keep fit